Inspiration Days have been central to ACA since our inception in 1998. These events bring together children’s arts professionals to share practice and explore ideas in areas of common interest. They contribute to all three aspects of our mission – celebrating, connecting, and campaigning.
The format of an Inspiration Day varies according to the chosen topic but always includes presentations or performances of current work by leaders in the field, discussion of relevant issues, and opportunities for informal networking.
Immersive Arts for Young Audiences Inspiration Day
28 August 2014, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre
This Inspiration Day explored different ways that audiences can be ‘immersed’ – the physical, geographic and psychological spaces in which immersion occurs. The day was run in conjunction with Globe Education and supported by Arts Council England Grants for the Arts.
Disability and Children's Arts Inspiration Day
12 October 2012, Polka Theatre
The Disability and Children's Arts Inspiration Day was a safe environment in which to explore how disability is approached across different art-forms and venues, to hear from experts across the field about good practice, and to collectively consider the future of inclusivity in children's arts.
Circus for Children and Families Inspiration Day
25 October 2011, Circus Space
Watch the video! Circus is a developing art form in the UK and the quality of work being produced goes from strength to strength. We explored what this art form has to offer for children, young people and their families. This Inspiration Day was supported by ACE and Circus Space.
Catch the Wave - Opera Inspiration Day
April 19th 2010, the egg Bath
An interesting and inspiring day which explored the current landscape in Britain of opera for young people both as performers and audience-members.
Puppetry in Performance Inspiration Day
17th February 2007, Little Angel Theatre
Britain‘s theatre for children – and that of a good part of the globe too – has become permeated with puppetry. How can puppeteers speak to the modern child?
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Your Action for Children's Arts membership will help us continue to provide these vital networking opportunities for many years to come.
Membership starts at £30/year.