2022 JMB

2022 J.M. Barrie Award
In 2022, the J.M. Barrie Award was presented to Jamila Gavin and the Outstanding Contribution Award was presented to Justin Fletcher MBE.
2019 JMB
2019 JM Barrie Award
In 2019, the JM Barrie Award was awarded to Sir Philip Pullman CBE. Other award recipients included Breathe Arts Health Research, Leeds Lieder, and Magic Lantern.
2021 JMB
2021 JM Barrie Award
In 2021, the JM Barrie Award was awarded to Michael Rosen and the Outstanding Contribution Award was presented jointly to BAFTA Kids and Place2Be.
2018 JMB
2018 JM Barrie Award
The 2018 JM Barrie Award was presented to Stuart and Kadie Kanneh-Mason, in honour of all parents who dedicate themselves to their children's creative education.
2020 JMB
2020 JM Barrie Award
In 2020 we did our first ever digital JM Barrie Awards, presenting the Lifetime Achievement Award to Anna Home OBE for her work in children's television.
2017 JMB
2017 JM Barrie Award
In 2017, we presented the JM Barrie Award to children's author and playwright David Wood OBE. Other award-winners included composer Liz Kitchen.
Previous awards
Previous Awards
The JM Barrie Awards have been running since 2005. Previous recipients include Dick King-Smith, Judith Kerr, Quentin Blake, and Floella Benjamin.
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